Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What's On My Shelf?

So I am not quite ready to post another review, but I have been feeling an urge to post lately, so here is my newest thing I am doing: What's On My Shelf?

This is where I get to show you how many books I have on my to-read list and also a way to remind myself that I need to learn to read faster than I already do haha! So here it is:

This is just my current list. I seem to be receiving more and more each day, so who knows what is going to happen tomorrow.

So just to let you all know what is going on here, it is sorted by release date (which is either when the book is due to be published or when I am supposed to be putting out my review depending on publisher). You will notice some from 2012. No I am not that late on my reviews haha. Those are books that I got from NetGalley that don't have an archive date. So yes they have been out a while but they still need reviews!

If it is highlighted then that means I have been approved or won the book but haven't received it yet.

Well that is the post for today. Time to jump off here and put my nose back in my book.

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